Getting started with Dialekt

Importing a campaign

Start by importing the campaign you want to localize. Go to “Campaigns” > “Import Campaign”.

Name your campaign, paste your HTML markup and click “Import” to upload your email template to Dialekt

Select which languages the campaign should be translated to, and which phrases to translate (or not to translate) using the checkboxes.
If you notice any spelling mistakes or feel like changing something in the master language you can edit those phrases directly.

Your campaign is now ready to be localized. Copy the URL to your campaign, send the link to your translators and let them do their magic.

Protip: If you switch languages, they will end up on the one you selected :)

Localizing a campaign

Time to localize a campaign? Fun!

You should have received a link from the requester which takes you directly to the campaign you’re about to translate.

Select the language you’re translating to using the drop-down list in the top right corner. Don't use the checkboxes – these are used by the requester to determine which languages the campaign should be localized to.

Use the “Translation and Main” view to work on your version with the original version side by side, or the “Translation” view to only see your localized version.

The original phrase is always displayed above the field where you add the translations. Write your translations directly in the input fields. Dialekt will save your work automatically, so you don’t have to worry about losing something to cyberspace.

Need a second opinion? Send the URL to your proofreaders and they will be able to make adjustments directly in Dialekt.

Exporting a campaign

Once all translations are completed it’s time to export the campaign and let the world see your work. Go to the Export tab in Dialekt, copy the HTML markup and paste it in your HTML Editor in Braze. That’s it!